Give blood cancer the red card!

You provide hope. We cover the rest.

Join the DKMS Soccer Heroes and Red Card Blood Cancer

Join AmaZulu FC and become DKMS Soccer Heroes by starting a registration campaign in your local social or sports club!

Countless people around the world urgently need a life-saving stem cell donation.

And you could be the perfect match!

In addition to fame and glory, the clubs with the most registrations will receive great goodies and attractive prizes.

Together we are Unbeatable. Together we can Red Card Blood Cancer!

How to become a DKMS soccer hero

Help soccer fanatic, Owami, find a donor

Owami is a 26-year-old BSc Mathematics and Applied Maths student who has been diagnosed with Severe Aplastic Anaemia and urgently needs a blood stem cell donor.

“I got my diagnosis in June 2021 and it took a while before I told my family. My mother took it very hard, she couldn't stop crying. She was very emotional and that's when I knew I had to be strong for my family,“

His symptoms started in 2020. He felt he wasn’t at his prime fitness level for his soccer games. He tried to push through the fatigue by training harder but eventually went to see his doctor in April 2021 when his symptoms had advanced to a point where he struggled to walk short distances.

Still pursuing his academic career, the hopeful young man says, "Life doesn't always go the way you plan it but that's no reason to give up. You have to dust yourself off and keep trying no matter what happens. And, you have to appreciate every day.”

None of Owami’s three sisters are a match so he is dependent on the generosity of a stranger. There is currently no match on the global stem cell registry. Matches are based on HLA characteristics (DNA) and not blood type. This means that a Black patient’s match is most likely to come from a Black donor. Currently Black, Coloured, Indian and Asian donors are under-represented on the registry.

You or someone in your club could be that life-saving match for Owami or a patient like him.

Ready to kick blood cancer out of the game?

1. Registration made easy

Want to start a registration drive? Great! It's easier than you think: just sign up and we'll send all campaign materials by mail. Goodies include leotards and DKMS mini soccer balls for everyone!

2. Find matchmaker

Received the campaign kit? Great! Then start directly with the action. Circles of friends and families are invited to join in. The more registrations, the better!

3. Nominate other clubs

Saving lives requires total commitment - also from your other opponents on the soccer field. Nominate other clubs and ask them to join in!

4. Become first in the table and win prizes

In the fight against blood cancer, every soccer hero is a winner! Nevertheless, we will choose a winning club among you: the one with the most registrations. Follow our monthly live table, which shows which club is currently in the lead. Whoever activates the most people will be first in the table and win a great prize.

Last but not least

Thank you for your commitment! Every DKMS soccer hero is a chance for a second life for patients worldwide.

Our live table

Which club is ahead in the match against blood cancer? Follow our monthly live table, which shows which club currently has the most registrations. Remember: Whoever activates the most people will be first in the table and win a great prize.

You are top. Top of the table.

Whoever has shown as much registration commitment as our table leaders can also look forward to a special thank-you:

First place: Kick it like a Boss

The main prize is a soccer table for those days when it's too uncomfortable on the field.

Second place: Jerseys for all

For second place, we'll provide a complete set of 10 team jerseys.

Third place: Staying on the ball

The third-place winners also have something to look forward to, as they will receive high-quality soccer balls for training and games.

Let's kick blood cancer into the long grass?

How to become a DKMS soccer hero
Support our Mission
There are many ways you can support DKMS and give hope to people living with blood cancer or a blood disorder.