Press Release

Help ‘Tyson the Fighter’ KO Cancer: Baby needs stem cell donor

07 May 2024 – One-year-old Ziphozenkosi, nicknamed ‘Tyson the Fighter’ by his dad due to his spirited nature, is facing a life-or-death battle against an aggressive blood cancer, Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML).

“AML impairs cells from carrying out their normal functions. It is the second most common form of Leukaemia in children, and if left untreated, can be rapidly fatal,” explains Palesa Mokomele, Head of Community Engagement and Communications at DKMS Africa.

Ziphozenkosi’s initial symptoms included fevers, a pale complexion, recurrent nosebleeds, swollen feet, and bouts of hospital visits due to constipation. Concerned for their child's well-being, his parents sought medical guidance to uncover the cause of his declining health. The news of his diagnosis was a devastating blow.

Little ‘Tyson’ has been undergoing chemotherapy to treat his condition, but unfortunately experienced a severe reaction to the treatment, resulting in him being admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at his local hospital. Now, he urgently needs a blood stem cell transplant from a matching donor to save his life.

“Sadly, there is currently no match for him on the stem cell registry yet,” shares Mokomele. “We urge healthy South Africans between the ages of 17 and 55 to register as donors and give this little boy a chance at a long life.”

Ziphozenkosi’s mother, Nqobile holds out hope that a generous donor will come forward and grant her baby a second chance at life.

In light of World Blood Cancer Day on 28 May, Mokomele urges all parents to keep the early warning signs of childhood cancer in mind and to seek medical help early for ongoing symptoms:

  • White spot in the eye, new squint, sudden blindness or bulging eyeball;
  • Lump on the stomach, pelvis, head, arms, legs, testicle or glands;
  • Unexplained fever present for over two weeks, weight loss, fatigue, pale appearance, easy bruising and bleeding;
  • Aching bones, joints, back and easy fractures; and
  • Neurological signs such as a change in walk, balance or speech, continuous headaches with or without vomiting and an enlarged head.

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For more information, contact DKMS Africa on 0800 12 10 82.